Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Recurso para Startups - Discoverion

Aquí les presento un recurso que me sugirió Ray Wu en un intercambio de comentarios en su blog de HP. Ray Wu es es el Venture Management de HP y pueden seguir su blog aquí
El recurso que sugiere es Discoverion (http://www.discoverion.com) - Startup Resource Guide.

Re: Exit strategy for technology companies
Mr. Wu, I see your opinion regarding IPOs is quite realistic. Is it biased by your previous experience in M&A or not? Could you recommend some good literature regarding IPO process? I've been reading "From Zero to IPO" by David Smith and have found it a good resource, is there any suggestion? I've reading your posts and think most of them are really good. Thanks a lot.
Posted by keegomaster on 10/24/2005 4:17 PM

Re: Exit strategy for technology companies
I appreciate your feedback and thanks for your compliment. The ratio of IPO vs M&A I mentioned in my blog is a fact which you probably can verify independently. But of course, since I have been in this business for quite a few years, I have seen more M&A deals as exit for startups than IPOs even in the best of the Internet days. IPO definitely has its charm and glamour. In my mind, IPO for startup feels like a person finally rise to be a successful movie star from thousands of want-to-be in Hollywood. But with every upside, there is a downside. Depends on your company’s situation, it may or may not be the optimal route.
In term of resources, you can check out http://www.discoverion.com. Under the Exit Strategy, you will find some good books. Hope it helps.
Posted by Ray Wu on 10/25/2005 12:20 AM

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